Outdoor Arts Portugal Showcase 2023
Outdoor Arts Portugal Showcase aims to promote and disseminate Portuguese contemporary artistic creation in public space, valuing opportunities for national and international circulation of works by Portuguese creators or residents in Portugal. The 2023 edition of the showcase is a digital event, on December 12th, through an online pitch session in which creators, selected from an open call, will present the concept of their artistic proposals to an international audience of professionals.
12 December 2023
Online pitch session
14:00 [PT/UK]
15:00 [CET]
Register HERE.
- Coletivo Kindergarten - Pathos
- Diogo Martins & Elisabete Sousa - Monitória
- Fernando Nogueira - RASTROS
- Maurícia | Neves - WHAT TOOK YOU so long?
- Projeto EZ - Caravana EZ
- Teatro do Mar - NUMB
Outdoor Arts Portugal is an interdisciplinary platform, promoted by Bússola, aimed at Portuguese creative and production professionals in the fields of outdoor contemporary arts, which aims to improve conditions for the development of artistic creation in this field, focusing on a mission of promoting and disseminating current languages, innovative dramaturgy and international sectoral communication. A project implemented with the support of the Portuguese Republic - Culture, through the Direção-Geral das Artes.